Fine Fresa
Here's a page that links you to the messaging board. There's a guide on how to use the board too, in case you don't understand. That would be really sad.


Click here to go to the Message board! ►

This is my messaging board! I run it through sekkaku. Feel free to drop a comment or question through here :)


Because the board is run through a japanese site and has a little weird interface, here's a quick guide on how to use it.


The box you'll be using is "投稿フォーム/Submission form".

"名前/Name" is where you'll put your display name and "件名/Subjet/Title" is where you can put a title for your message. The title will be displayed before the name.

"メッセージ/Message"is where you can type in your message. As far as I'm aware, there isn't a character limit, so type to your heart's content.

"アイコン/Icon" is a field where you can pick an icon, they're mostly cute little animals!

"投稿する/Submission" is the button you'll click to post your message!

If you want to reply to a certain message on the board, the bottom of each post you'll see a "返信/Reply" button. Clicking that will allow you to reply to the post (However you cannot reply to other replies. Strange functionality)

Now onto deleting or editting your post..

Above the submission button, the field "削除キー /Delete Key" is a key you can use in case you want to delete or edit your message on the board. You can make the key whatever you like, as long as you remember it.

Beneath the board you'll see fields of "Number" and "Pass".

Number and Pass

Enter the number of the post you made (it will be on the upper left corner) in the "Number" field and the delete key you made in the "Pass" field. Keep the drop down menu at "一般/General", and hit either the left button "編集/Edit" or the right button "削除/Delete" for what you choose to do. Choosing the delete button will automatically erase your message from the board.


If you hit the Edit button, this will be your editting form.

Here you can edit your name, title, and message. As far as I tested around, the "Mail" "URL" and "Icon" don't affect anything within the message.

Once your done editting your message, hit the "編集を実行する/Perform Edit" button.

and that's all there is too it!

Please keep things respectful, appropriate, and no spamming! If I see any message that goes against these things will have the messages deleted off the board!