Fine Fresa
I don't really have anything clever to say here.

The First Post

With my website now up and running, I'm going to officiate it by making an actual written post to top it off.

I'll be real, I don't exactly know where i'm heading with this website or what I'm really trying to get from doing it. Really I just wanted to make a space that I could theoretically have full authority over, from how it looks and what can be presented- that anything I want can be done and goes (jeez this makes me sound tyranical.) Dammit, I missed having access to full customizing and I can't really manage my way through major social media sites most of the time. I mean, I feel like I've used those sites correctly for the past decade at least- I kept everything minimized and on complete locked access to only my close friends, but outside environments and advertisements invading any space it wedges itself into by unrelenting force just really suck ass. That's why a bunch of people now are doing throwbacks and suddenly we have webrings again.

I know people typically call their websites their own personal corners of the internet, like it's a part of themselves they're giving out onto neocities for people to stumble into. Maybe I still need time to attach myself here, because so far I can only see this as a project. . If you look at my coding it's not really spectacular... To be fair, I don't really know what good coding looks like, but I feel like mine's the equivalent of a busted up shed that I put a unsuspecting paintjob over. And now it's here because I gave it a little kiss on the top, brought it out to the public, and now I'm praying that it will all work out in the end.

Even though this very much is my own corner, really nothing can go until I learn how to do it. obviously.

It actually took me over 5 months to get everything finalized here. I was really slow and wouldn't touch my codes for weeks or a full month at a time; the only times I really made progress was when I'd suddenly remember that I'm trying to build a website, sit down for maybe 3-4 days tops trying to figure out designs and codes, strangle my computer... Like I said in my about section, my friend Shiny handheld for me through the start of the process. I think something about seeing someone else just point and be like "it's really not bad" made me relax and ease from thinking anything relating to computers was equal to rocket science. I've done HTML and CSS edits before when I was a teenager when I used to go on Neopets and Tumblr, but for some reason none of what I learned absorbed properly. Maybe it had to do with the fact I was on Neopets and Tumblr. Either way, I relearned a lot of things and then some, and now I think I like using computers again.

Anyways, I'm going to try to keep any content here wholly unique to this website alone. I have other websites I frequent but I'm not sure about sticking around on twitter much longer and I'm trying to figure out what to do with my blogspot- I'll probably have to merge that into here. In the meantime, I'll work with what I made so far.

das me


  • -01/20/2023
  • -11/08/2022